Neckář, Václav
Já ti zabrnkám – Balady 1965-2017

  • Tonträger: CD
  • Gruppe: Neckář, Václav
  • Titel: Já ti zabrnkám – Balady 1965-2017
  • Land der Gruppe: CS
  • Stil: Pop & Rock ballads, compilation
  • Rating: 3
  • Erscheinungsjahr: 2018
  • Aufnahmejahr: 1965-2017
  • Produktionsjahr: 2018
  • Plattenfirma: Supraphon
  • Artikelnummer: SU 6550-2
  • Farbe des Labels:
  • Ausgabe:
  • Extras:
  • EAN: 099925655020
  • Gewicht: 117 g
  • Optisch: new
  • Akustisch:
  • Cover: new

Supraphon Release Information

The most famous ballads of the October Jubilarian!

The soon to be seventy-five-year-old Václav Neckář has rightly earned acclaim in the past for his energetic dance songs, but ballads are his brilliant second face. This compilation, compiled in collaboration with the singer and with extensive lyrics by Miloš Skalka, clearly proves it: since 1965, slow songs have been a regular part of Václav’s successful repertoire.

Nearly forty of them fit on this 2CD, from “Tu kytaru jsem koupil kvůli tebě” (I Bought that Guitar for You) to the current “Andílku náš” (Our Angel). Alongside covers such as “Lady Jane”, “Massachusetts”, “Suzanne” or “Chci tě líbat” (I Want to Kiss You), time has shown that Neckář’s vocally necessary fragile and acting talent-backed rendition is also a challenge for domestic composers. Musically and lyrically of high quality, at first from the pen of Bohuslav Ondráček, for example, and later Ota Petřina or his brother Jan Neckář, other big hits were born. There was much to sing about, as many times Zdeněk Rytíř, but also Jan Schneider, Ladislav Kantor and others wrote lyrics directly for this particular performer.

His return after a serious illness was celebrated in 2005 with the ballad “Oči koní” (The Eyes of Horses), and six years later the song “Půlnoční” (Midnight) by authors seemingly very distant in age and style met with a huge response. The hard-performing Václav Neckář still manages to make the whole hall dance, but his slow songs offered on stage have a strong charm of wise old age, a life fully lived, a flair for the dramatic and an unpretentious tenderness in contact with the audience. This is also why this part of the repertoire, full of big hits and songs that importantly complement Neckář’s balladic portrait, was chosen to celebrate his 75th birthday.

Full album:


CD 1

1. Tu kytaru jsem koupil kvůli tobě – ℗ 1965 3:27
2. Lady Jane – ℗ 1967 3:37
3. Houpá se naše loďka – ℗ 1967 2:41
4. Massachusetts – ℗ 1968 2:09
5. Bylo čtvrt a bude půl – ℗ 1968 2:49
6. Telefon 39142 – ℗ 1968 2:18
7. Cena za místo mezi lidmi – ℗ 1967 2:43
8. Nautilus – ℗ 1969 6:59
9. Suzanne – ℗ 1970 4:02
10. Evelýna (Cherie Lise) – ℗ 1970 4:17
11. ZOO – ℗ 1970 3:20
12. Kdo vchází do tvých snů (má lásko) (Where Do You Go to (My Lovely)) – ℗ 1972 5:20
13. Máma (Mama) – ℗ 1974 2:50
14. Tomu, kdo nás má rád – ℗ 1974 4:33
15. Já ti zabrnkám – ℗ 1975 2:54
16. Známe ho, žádný vzor – ℗ 1977 1:54
17. Stále šťastné údolí – ℗ 1977 4:00
18. Chci tě líbat (When I Need You) – ℗ 1978 4:26
19. Podej mi ruku a projdem Václavák – ℗ 1980 4:53
20. Tvým dlouhým vlasům – ℗ 1981 3:55

CD 2

1. Až budu někdo – ℗ 1982 4:04
2. Perla – ℗ 1983 10:00
3. Píseň pro Joriku – ℗ 1983 3:47
4. Odejdu (Oh Deed I Do) – ℗ 1983 4:44
5. Všechno je jenom jednou – ℗ 1982 4:06
6. Balada z parku – ℗ 1982 4:28
7. Balada ze suterénu – ℗ 1982 4:30
8. Kam se první lásky ztrácejí – ℗ 1983 3:45
9. My to spolu táhnem dál – ℗ 1984 3:33
10. Se svou Mášou – ℗ 1985 3:03
11. Jak dlouho ještě budem zrát – ℗ 1987 4:28
12. Stín katedrál – ℗ 2001 3:41
13. Oči koní – ℗ 2005 3:01
14. Půlnoční – ℗ 2011 4:58
15. Podzim – ℗ 2013 3:02
16. Andělé strážní – ℗ 2014 4:18
17. Noc – ℗ 2014 3:12
18. Andílku náš – ℗ 2017 3:36