Koroknai, Árpád “Kori”
Húszra lapot

  • Tonträger: CD
  • Gruppe: Koroknai, Árpád “Kori”
  • Titel: Húszra lapot
  • Land der Gruppe: HU
  • Stil: Hardrock
  • Rating: 3
  • Erscheinungsjahr: 2023
  • Aufnahmejahr: 2021-2023
  • Produktionsjahr: 2023
  • Plattenfirma: H Music
  • Artikelnummer: H-104 CD
  • Farbe des Labels:
  • Ausgabe:
  • Extras: digipak
  • EAN: 9008798574650
  • Gewicht: 65 g
  • Optisch: new
  • Akustisch:
  • Cover: new

H Music Release Information

“Húszra lapot” (On Twenty Cards) is the debut album of the band led by the singer Árpád Koroknai (Zorall, ex-Omen, ex-P. Box, ex-Szfinx). It contains ten quality rock / hard rock songs with nearly a dozen contributing musicians and singers. It can be seen as a cross-section of Kori’s career, who moved to Tenerife last autumn.

Kori on the album: “If you look at it, I was always coming in somewhere, in a band that was already done, with the exception of Sphinx. On the other hand, here I was free to branch out from almost anything, because here no name was tied to a particular style, so to speak. This album is more eclectic, more diverse than anything I have done before, and that’s also due to the fact that I haveve worked with a number of co-writers. ”

On the choice of the title, he added: “The title “Húszra lapot” lent itself, because the band has been formed in early 2020 and then the so-called Covid pandemy completely changed the world and everyone said that starting a new band in that situation was not a sound idea. But we still asked for 20!”


Árpád “Kori” Koroknai: vocals
László Simonyi: guitar, vocals
Attila “Ger-Man” Németh: keyboards
Gábor Nagy: bass guitar
Bence Sávai: drums


Zsanett Szvára: vocals
Fruzsina Erdős: vocals
Évi Sári: vocals
Norbert Kozma: guitar, acoustic guitar
Mátyás Demkó: keyboards
Gábor Závodi: keyboards
Zoltán “Zityi” Czirják: keyboards
Zoltán Miski: bass guitar
Antal Varga: bass guitar
Mátyás Gerőly: drums
Zsolt Tóth: drums


1. Tegnapután
2. Együtt nagyok
3. 20-ra lapot (Patkó a seggemen)
4. Ha nem lesz többé nyár
5. Sámántánc
6. Sírig ápol
7. Itt él bennem
8. Benne van
9. Lopott órák
10. Aki voltam